Audrey Reille September 5, 2019 Time Optimization, Self-Empowerment On Being Busy: Fix It or Keep It Quiet but Stop Using It as Badge of Honor Audrey Reille September 5, 2019 Time Optimization, Self-Empowerment People who wear their “busyness” as a badge of honor are often scattered, disorganized, and not nearly as effective as they could be.
Audrey Reille August 21, 2019 Success Strategies, Self-Empowerment Why You Need to Own the Authority You’ve Been Given Audrey Reille August 21, 2019 Success Strategies, Self-Empowerment It’s very common for new managers to lack assertiveness because they are overly focused on avoiding the spotlight and making everyone comfortable.
Audrey Reille August 8, 2019 Self-Empowerment, Career Advancement Can You Keep Working for Someone You No Longer Respect? Audrey Reille August 8, 2019 Self-Empowerment, Career Advancement Instead of being victimized by someone you don’t respect, you take charge of your life.
Audrey Reille August 5, 2019 Self-Empowerment Erica’s Story: Taking Care of Everyone but Herself Audrey Reille August 5, 2019 Self-Empowerment Months had passed, and instead of making improvements, she hadn’t changed her behavior and felt like a failure.
Audrey Reille July 29, 2019 Self-Empowerment Catherine’s Story: When Friendship Creates Unfair Expectations Audrey Reille July 29, 2019 Self-Empowerment For many years, she had let other people’s opinions and preferences influence her decision-making instead of trusting her own judgment.
Audrey Reille July 22, 2019 Self-Empowerment Barbara’s Story: Unlearning Helplessness and Gaining Influence Audrey Reille July 22, 2019 Self-Empowerment Her attention was solely focused on noticing injustice and dysfunction, which aggravated her on a daily basis, and left her no energy or creativity to start thinking about solutions.
Audrey Reille July 16, 2019 Self-Empowerment Ana’s Story: The High Cost of Looking Invincible Audrey Reille July 16, 2019 Self-Empowerment Ana had put many aspects of her life on hold until she would have more time.
Audrey Reille July 7, 2019 Self-Empowerment, Stress Reduction Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements Applied to Higher Ed. Leadership Audrey Reille July 7, 2019 Self-Empowerment, Stress Reduction Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.